WordPress 6.2 beta3

On February 21, WordPress 6.2 Beta 3 was released. Since WordPress 6.2 is still under development, you should not use the version on an online site.

  • Option 1: Install and activate the WordPress Beta Tester plugin (select the “Bleeding edge” channel and the “Beta/RC Only” stream).
  • Option 2: Download the Beta 3 files as a ZIP.
  • Option 3: Use the WP-CLI command: wp core update –version=6.2-beta3

The final release is scheduled for March 28th, and you can help make it happen by testing and providing feedback.

You can read how you can help in the first beta report.

Changes in beta version 3

34 issues fixed since the second beta – thanks to everyone who helped with testing.

WordPress 6.2 includes over 290 improvements and 350 bug fixes to date. You can see what new features and improvements are included in the Beta 1 report.